
Programs and projects

Based on Science and Collaboration.

Política Por Inteiro was created in 2019 to monitor in real time the political signals (policy signals) of relevant changes announced (risks) or carried out (acts) by the Federal Executive, as well as their effects.

We monitor daily and analyze weekly the actions of the federal government on issues relevant to climate change and the environment, in partnership with Folha de São Paulo.

We debate the political situation on a monthly basis through the Conjunturas & Riscos event. 

All the analyses are available on Política Por Inteiro

Outlining a green financing strategy aligned with the Paris Agreement for Brazil is a project to increase Brazil's climate ambition. The initiative will help the federal government attract more resources to help accelerate the adoption of adaptation and emission reduction measures.

It is a partnership between the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Talanoa Institute, in consortium with the company ERM NINT, with support from UK PACT


Our Decarbonization monitors the Brazilian government's efforts in terms of incentives and public policies that put us - or take us - out of the race for decarbonization. The initiative presents indicators of the government's efforts in different areas that can bring Brazil closer to or further away from meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement.

A total of 11 sectors and themes are being monitored: Agriculture, Deforestation, Energy, Industry, Urban Mobility, Waste and Sanitation, and Freight Transport, Ocean, Governance, Emissions Pricing and Budget.

To measure the speed of decarbonization, we developed theOur Decarbonization Index (INDC). The tool aims to present an annual snapshot of the evolution of federal policies and their results, initially considering the largest emitting sectors - land use, agriculture and energy.

All the information is public and free and can be accessed on the website: nossadescarbonizacao.org

What advantages will Brazil seek to maintain or create in order to become an internationally competitive economy, reduce inequalities and at the same time decarbonize in this decade?

We seek to identify, discuss and propose Brazil's opportunities and challenges by constructing "betting scenarios" in the light of national interests and global responsibilities in tackling climate change.

The public agenda proposals were communicated nationally and internationally at COP26 to a wide audience, showing viable ways of orienting our development model, compatible with the Paris Agreement and strengthening Brazil in the face of the new global economy. They are available at Clima 2030.